Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Hate My Computer

Which is why I have not posted anything in a very long time.
It's loud and slow and I feel like it is going to break at any moment.
I also haven't had much time to post lately. (That is only partially a lie.) In a way I have not had much time. If I don't get a job here very soon though, I will have lots of time. Ryan now has two jobs. Which means that I will be seeing a lot less of him for awhile. So I hope that I get two jobs. Then school will start and I really won't have much time to write on this blog, but I will have lots to blog about and therefore I will make time and my blogs will be epically (sp?) amazing and everyone will love and read them and I will become famous. (I think I may be putting too much pressure on one little blog that has only gotten about seventy hits in its entire lifetime. Poor blog doesn't stand a chance.) The sad thing is that I actually do have a few posts planned out. I just haven't gotten around to doing the work that they require to make them work.
Well... This was really all I had to say for now. I apologize to the few fans that I have out there. I am a huge disappointment. I would feel worse if you guys were actually following me, but seeing as I only have one follower and I know that she doesn't really read my blog, I don't feel too bad.