Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Driving Thoughts

I was driving back to Logan this morning from Salt Lake. For those that do not know, that is about a two hour drive. I was thinking to myself which is totally normal. At least I wasn't talking to myself which I normally do, but was not doing this morning because it was too early and I had not finished consuming my coffee so my mouth didn't quite know how to work yet. So I was just thinking to myself. Most of the thoughts were unimportant until one particular thought jumped into my head. It was then followed by more random thoughts.

1. The thought to start it all. I was driving on the freeway going about 80. This is not really bad. The speed limit is 65 and 80 is perfectly acceptable. I started thinking about what would happen if a cop pulled me over. I had not yet brushed my teeth and I was drinking coffee. The cop would have come to my window and I would have talked to him with my hand in front of my mouth. The conversation would have sounded like this:
Cop: Why are you covering your mouth? have you been drinking?
Me: No. I just haven't brushed my teeth yet and you are fairly attractive (meaning very hot because I would only get pulled over by a hot cop) and I've been drinking coffee and I don't want to subject you to my horrible breath. It could kill you.
Cop: Why didn't you brush your teeth? That's just weird.
Me: Not really. It's perfectly understandable. Have you ever had coffee right after brushing your teeth? (He would shake his head because we live in Utah and he is most likely Mormon and doesn't drink coffee) Well it is disgusting. It makes your coffee taste odd in a minty but not supposed to be minty sort of way. Plus it would have defeated the purpose of brushing my teeth in the first place. I would have wasted tooth paste which would in turn melt the polar ice caps and then all the polar bears would die. Do you want the polar bears to die? Are you a polar bear killer?
At this point the cop wouldn't know what to say and would just walk away.

2. I drove past a cop that had pulled someone over. I started to slow down when I realized he already had someone so he won't notice me. It's not like they are going to write down my license plate number and then send me a ticket while they are writing someone else a ticket. Then it hit me. WHAT IF THEY CAN?! I started to freak out. I have a billion tickets floating out there on their way to my house. I don't have enough money to pay for these tickets. I may as well just give up now. I'm doomed.

3. Do birds play tag?

4. If it starts snowing, I will kill God. There are two things that I need to say about this. First, you are probably thinking "But it's May. It doesn't snow in May." You'd be wrong. It's Utah. It snows in June. Winter never really ends. It is like a ninja. It waits around until it can jump on unsuspecting victims. Sadly, it only knows how to jump on the people who expect him to come. Second, I am totally going to Hell for saying that I will kill God. When I thought it, I could have just been like, "I was just kidding. I meant to say dog, but my dyslexia got the best of me." I cannot do that now. I have thought it and I have written it down. I am definitely going to hell. There is no way around it.

5. Finally my thoughts had basically stopped. Until this light turned on in my car:
Suddenly, I was terrified that my car was going to break down. I was going to die. I was already in Logan and I was on a street where the speed limit was only 35. I was actually fairly safe, but I found myself thinking about how I had a conversation with my boyfriend a long time ago about my car killing me. But I have that planned for another post. So I will put it up later.

I made it home without dying and then went straight up to campus to take a final. I have one more final to take and then I am done. We'll see how it goes. I should be studying. Bye.

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