Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why I Should Not Own a Car or Be Allowed to Drive

I decided that it was a good idea to drive back to Salt Lake from Logan tonight at about 9 PM. I don't know why I thought this was the best idea ever since I am paranoid even during the day.

Do you remember that service engine light that came on in my car on my way back to Logan yesterday? Well it was still there tonight. This was enough to make me paranoid, but right after I put some gas in my car, the oil light blinked. Just once. But it was enough to send me into a spiral of paranoia in which I believed I would end up dead before I ever reached my destination.

I immediately called my friend, Gregg. He lives in Logan and he knows all about cars. He didn't answer. Fuck. I kept heading toward the canyon and impending doom. He called me back right before I got to the canyon. He called just in time for me to take a left turn at Wellsville and head to his workplace so that he could give me some oil. I got there in relatively one piece. I was surprised that I was even able to find the place because I had trouble listening when he gave me directions. He gave me the oil quickly because he had to get back to work. I was left to the task of putting the oil in my car. I had watched him do this enough times that I knew what to do. I went back to my car, opened the hood and reached out to open the oil cap. I am a weak little girl. I spent five minutes twisting and turning that cap in different directions. It would not come off. I called Gregg again and apologized vehemently. He came out, ran to my car, touched the cap and it came off in his hands. I was in such shock that I was forced to yell out my thank you to his quickly retreating back. I put the oil in my car and went on my way. My hands smelled awful. (I think I will try to draw a picture to show you Gregg's magical powers.)

As soon as I was back on the road, the service engine light turned off. I was so relieved. I started to think about what would happen if a cop pulled me over for texting. (I think about getting pulled over a lot). Anyway. I was cruising along perfectly happy about having temporarily fixed my car. I was suddenly struck with fear. My tires are going to blow out while I am driving and I will DIE. I started to panic. Hyperventilating included. I could see it happening. I pictured the entire scene. I knew that I was going to die and I was only thirty miles away from my exit and home. I would never make it. I might as well give up now.

I realize that this is very irrational. My tires are fine. There is nothing wrong with my tires. There were just bumps in the road that made my car bob like that. But I do not think rationally while I am driving.

I finally made it to my exit. I had to stop at the light. When the light finally turned green, I hit the gas. My car hesitated for a second. The service engine light came back on.

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