Thursday, August 25, 2011

School Boredom

I just started going to a school called SLCC. I transferred here from USU. I did this because I wanted to be closer to my friends and Ryan and I wanted to be able to force myself to do better in school. I didn't realize how bored I would be at school. So far I have one friend that goes here too that I can hang with in between classes. Of course, he has a three hour class right now and I have three more hours until my next class.

The other problem is that my school and work are in Murray when I live in Sandy. That's about a twenty to thirty minute drive. Not too bad, but also not worth driving home when I have six hours between my first and second class. You would think that it would be worth it because it's a whole six hours. You would be wrong.
That's a lot of gas and I don't have the money to do that. Even with my job.

 I didn't mind having a six hour gap when I signed up for classes because at the time I thought Ryan and I would be moving into our apartment before school starts. It turns out that we aren't even moving to that apartment and he wants to wait until October. That's fine with me. It just means that between my classes, I'm going to want to tear my hair out and claw out my eyes from lack of things to do.

I would just play on my iPod for the three hours or so that I have to be all alone, but my iPod is dead and I don't really have a way to charge it. Why don't I have a way to charge it? Because my sister hates me and took away her charger and I don't have one of my own. All I can use is my computer and if you are new to my blog, read the post before this one to understand why using my computer is not really a good idea.

So I really only have a few small choices at this point. I can read. (Usually I would love to do this and would curl up with a book for hours and be fine, but lately I have been unable to get in the mood for reading. I'm burnt out.) I can find somewhere to go to hang out that isn't school. (The gas problem still gets in the way here.) I could hang out with Ryan between classes. (This only works if he doesn't have to go to work. Today he works from eleven til five thirty. I had class til 11:15 and have class at five thirty.) Sit on a computer at school. This is what I am doing right now, but these aren't the best computers in the world. Oh well. At least it helps a little to suppress my immense boredom. The sad thing is that I wish I had homework.

It's raining really hard outside right now and the wind is blowing like crazy. I'm glad that I am inside the safety and comfort of this building. (I just reread that sentence and got confused. I hope it makes sense to you. In case it doesn't, let me rephrase. I'm glad that I am inside. I think that makes more sense :) You are welcome for my clarifying that for you.)

Ten more minutes until my friend gets out of class. Possibly twenty minutes left of being alone. At least for a little while. Then back to being alone for almost two hours. :P

I doubt you want to hear me complain anymore. So Goodbye. 

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