Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My name is Brooke and I am a...

The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I am taking my first step to recovery and admitting that I have a problem. I am also taking the second step and seeking help.

I bet you are wondering what exactly my problem is. And if you aren't wondering, then pretend you are because I am going to tell you anyway. My problem is that I have a tendency to skip my classes. You may be thinking, "That's not a bad problem." I don't think you understand the severity of my problem. I don't just skip on class every now and then. I don't just skip a few classes a month. I sometimes skip an entire week of classes. I sometimes even get all the way to campus and then talk myself out of going to class. This usually happens if I arrive to school super early. Or if I am running late to school. It's a severe problem.

I'm thinking about starting a support group. Please feel free to join if you have this problem too. Your problem may not be as severe as mine but it is still a problem and you should get some help. I'm here for you. Together we can beat this thing. I have faith in you even though I have no faith in myself. I wish all of you luck with defeating this problem. :D

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