Sunday, April 29, 2012

And the baby is...

A BOY!!! That's right. I am going to have a little, adorable baby boy. It's pretty exciting. We went to the ultrasound on Friday and when the ultrasound lady said, "You're having a boy. Look, there's his little scrotum and his little penis." I looked up at the screen and I could not see it but I took her word for it. Then she moved down by this legs and he opened them up and there it was. It was undeniable. It is definitely a boy with his teeny tiny peanut. Afterward my boyfriend made a comment that was a little inappropriate but super funny. He said, "Now you will always have a penis inside you." At least for the next five months this will be true.

Now we need to come up with a name. Ryan is no help in this part. He constantly shoots out names that are ridiculous. Like Perseus and Ichigo. With a name like Perseus our kid will constantly be made fun of. With a name like Ichigo, every time a new teacher takes role, they will see his name and immediately start searching for an Asian kid. They will not find one. Instead it will be the little white kid. Not gonna happen. Of course, every name that I mention, Ryan shoots down. Jensen. "That's a gay name." Shawn. "I don't want to name our kid after that fat ass." We just cannot agree to anything. Of course, the names that he mentioned were just jokes. The only name that he has seriously suggested and really wants is Brady. After Tom Brady. I don't know how I feel about this name. It's cute for a little kid but what about when he grows up? Will he still want that name? Will he want a more manly name? Should we plan for a name that can be shortened to a cute little kid nickname but is also an adult name? This is way too hard. If anyone has suggestions, I will take them.

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