Sunday, January 13, 2013

3 Months

Alright, I am a failure at blogging but I will try to be better from now on. I missed Karson's two month update. I will try to incorporate it into his three month update that I am doing right now.
At two months Karson weighed about twelve pounds and was 24 inches long. He was a big boy. He had just started to really smile. He hated tummy time with a passion. He was still not really into moving around. He liked to squirm but he wasn't exactly active.

Now that Karson is three months old, he is always moving around. He can basically sit up by himself, he loves watching football with his daddy. He still hates tummy time, but he'll get over it. He finally found his thumb and sucks it all the time. He laughs now. When he's away from Ryan and I for a day, he smiles like crazy when he sees us. He loves to "talk" and he does it more than ever. I bought him and exersaucer and he plays in it. He is finally learning that if he hits it, it makes noise. He now eats eight ounces of formula per feeding, it used to be four. He has little baby man boobs. I love this little boy more than anything in the whole wide world.

When Karson turned two months old, I went back to work at Beans and Brews and started to work at Babies R Us. I was lucky to have a day off. There was a bunch of drama at beans and brews so a week ago, I put in my two weeks. Tuesday was my last day. I now work only at Babies and school starts tomorrow so it will be perfect.

We also got our family pictures done right after Christmas. I was so happy to finally get them done. Ryan refused to cut his hair, but they turned out pretty good still. This one was my favorite!

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