Thursday, April 28, 2011


My current boyfriend is kind of a nerd. I knew this when we started dating and I chose to stick through it despite his .... weirdness. Of course, I thought he was lying about most of it. I have not seen most of the nerdy things that he claims to do. I have witnessed him playing video games on his phone many times though. He does this any time he is remotely bored. Sadly, this includes around me. I bore him a lot I guess.

One thing that he had claimed doing but I had never witnessed him doing, is playing a game called Magic. I don't know much about this game. I just know that every time he talks about it, my eyes glaze over. He doesn't talk about it very often so the glazing has become a minimum. Well, he had told me when we started dating that he was done playing Magic because he had a girlfriend now and he only played before because he didn't have a life.

He is texting me right now telling me how he is playing Magic. He did this same thing when I talked to him on Monday. Though on Monday he had played it for about ten hours. If I were home right now, I would drag him away from that wretched game and make him go do something more valuable. Like take me to dinner or something. Sadly, I cannot save him because I am two hours away and will be for another week.

I fear that if I do not pull him away from Magic now, he will be caught in its grasp unable to escape. Not even the promise of sex will be enough to drag him away from the highly suspenseful game. (I would be so bored out of my mind playing a game like Magic.) I must find a way to save him from becoming a hermit, holed up in his friend's basement until the zombie apocalypse occurs and a brain eating zombie drags him out of the basement only to eat him.

Oh God!!! His life is over. I've already lost him to zombies. :( Might as well start looking for his replacement. Sorry babe.

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