Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sadness Followed by Peer Pressure Followed by No More Crazy

So I was sitting in my bed last night after I got off Facebook with Semele and after posting the blog and after Klera left my house. I was texting my nerd and talking to one of his buddies, Spank, on Facebook. I realized how sad and pathetic my little life in Logan is. As I was talking to Spank, I started to freak out. I would post exactly what I said, but I accidentally just closed the chat window down and lost it all... Oops. Anyway, it basically went like: "I don't know what I am going to do with myself all weekend." He was like: "Read a really good book." I was like: "I have one of those but I can't read while I am losing my mind over the fact that I am all alone in the world and have no friends." Basically, I got it into my mind that if I were to be left alone for an entire weekend with absolutely no human contact and no one to talk to (besides my roommates who I hate) that I would slowly, but surely, go crazy. Not just pulling out my hair crazy. I mean hallucinating that there are tiny little men all over the place, starting to believe that unicorns and pegasuses (sp?) and talking beavers and Narnia and Middle Earth and fairies all exist and needing to be institutionalized because I have become so disillusioned with the world that I start to eat my own fingers crazy. That seemed like a horrible thing to have happen. As much fun as it would be to believe that all those things existed (with the exception of Middle Earth and tiny men) I did not want to eat my own fingers. So I texted my nerd and started trying to get out of him why he believes that he loves me more than I love him. ( There is no way that he loves me more. You have seen what I have to put up with. I think it's clear who wins in this debate.) He still won't tell me. His response was, "I'll tell you when I see you in person next." I am not a patient person. I am still waiting on the second half of my Valentine's Day present from him and for him to tell me what he thought his friend Spank had meant that one time. These two events happened a few months ago and it is driving me crazy with anticipation. So my response to that was,"should I come home tomorrow?" He sent a very enthusiastic yes. It looked like this: "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I assumed that meant that he was excited. I could be wrong though. I'll draw you a picture later of what I picture that yes looking like in real life along with a picture of a zombie eating my nerd.  Anyway. I gave in to his response and decided to come home today because the thought of going crazy was still fresh in my head and I still wanted to avoid it. I could handle becoming a cannibal if I absolutely had to, but I could not handle eating myself. It would send me into a deeper spiral of going crazy where I would think that I had actually turned into a Zombie somehow and that I was the first Zombie and that it was my duty to turn everyone else into a Zombie as well. I would go around eating people and trying to turn them into the same thing as me so that I would not be the only Zombie in the entire world. (I really hate being alone). Of course, this would not work because in reality I would not be a Zombie and the people that I tried to eat would just die. This would then cause a deeper spiral of insanity. I have no idea what would happen next because my world would collapse around me and anything would be possible, including me becoming a black hole and destroying the entire universe. Trust me when I say that me coming home for the weekend was the best idea for everyone's safety and not just my own. Now that I have possibly lost your respect because of my crazy rant, I am going to go so that I don't make a bigger fool of myself.

I will post the pictures as soon as I can :)

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