Friday, April 29, 2011

To advertise or not to advertise

I decided this morning in my sickened stupor, to put ads up on my blog since I have no followers and it couldn't hurt to make a little money. I was disappointed when I read that the only way you can make money by putting ads on your blog is if people click on the ad. This is where the disappointment started. If no one reads my blog, then no one will click on the ad. If no one clicks on the ad, then I don't get money. If I don't get money, then I can't move out of my mom's house. I don't really want to be living at my mom's house until I'm like twenty five or something. So I need money. Money = Freedom. Freedom = Happy Brooke. Doesn't anyone want me to be happy? If the answer is yes, please follow my blog and click on ads when I decide to finally put them on here. If you don't want me to be happy, you can just go f*ck yourself. Or you could try to find it in your heart to help a girl out. After all, girls are incapable of helping themselves. We need big strong men to do everything for us. (My boyfriend is useless in this aspect).

A side note: The ads won't pop up on the screen. They won't be in the middle of the posts. They will just be on the side of my blog, practically not even there. So you should really consider it. Please let me know what you think. At least, if anyone ever reads this.

Update: I am putting up ads anyway. I figured, why the hell not. I can always cancel it if it becomes a hassle and I could really use the money.

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