Friday, May 6, 2011


I am sitting in my bed at eleven o'clock on a Friday night all alone with no one to talk to or anything like that. I know what you must be thinking. "It's eleven o'clock, that's pretty late. You might be sitting in your bed by now anyway." Well. That is not the case. I could be sitting at my friend's house (apartment) and talking to her. Instead, I just spent two hours watching Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural all by myself while trying to find people to talk to but no one is online and now that I am downstairs in my bedroom [actually my sister's bedroom but she is in Seattle right now so I get it!!! >:D (Evil smile)] I don't have any cell phone service so no one can even text me to keep me from being bored so I am forced to write a blog post. I had no choice. Sorry that that one sentence was so long. I got a little carried away.

So this post is going to be pretty random and go basically nowhere, but please try to bear with me.

My car is doing mean things still. It has decided to start leaking. I have no idea what it is leaking. People tell me that it is radiator fluid. Gregg tells me that radiation fluid is just antifreeze. I don't care what it is, I just want it to stop. My car is out to get me. I feel like that isn't very fair since I do my best to take care of it. I do a horrible job, but I try.

A lot of people keep telling me that I need therapy. I don't know how I feel about this. I have problems but everyone does. I was planning on trying to see a counselor about my problems with school and such but I didn't think I NEEDED therapy. Apparently I do. One person told me this after reading this blog. He thinks that I need help overcoming my paranoia and anxiety. One of my best friends thinks that I need some major help with dealing with the events of my childhood so that I can have a normal view on relationships and intimacy. One of my other best friends is in therapy and thinks that it could benefit everyone in the world. Another of my best friends was joking when she told me I needed it, but doesn't think it would hurt to go talk to a professional just to vent every now and then. My Big (Sorority Big Sister) thinks that I am perfectly fine the way that I am and that all the "haters" can just fuck off. My boyfriend doesn't think anything is seriously wrong with me and just posed the question back at me. "Do you think you need it?"

Speaking of my boyfriend. I decided I don't want to call him My Nerd. That is kinda mean and he isn't that big of a nerd and I love him so I don't want to upset him in case he ever actually reads this thing. So I need a new name for him. I thought about just calling him Boyfriend but I don't want to look like I am copying anyone. I guess I could just call him Ryan since that is his name. I guess it's settled. For now I will just call him Ryan.

My cat is trying to get into my room by clawing at the carpet under my door. He is not succeeding but I feel he will keep trying it periodically until he succeeds at getting past the giant door that is keeping him from a blissful sleep across my throat. He loves sleeping on throats. It's ridiculous.

I am so sorry for the randomness of this post. I have already jumped through four topics. My transitions suck too. I apologize.

I got an email today telling me that I am officially no longer a student at Utah State University. Thank God. (If I even believe in the big man. He's like Santa. I can't be sure.) I am so glad to no longer be going there. I was sick of being in Logan. It's such a weird small town but not small because there is a college there but small when the students are gone. I don't even know how to handle it.

Anyway, I am kind of getting tired, so I should probably go to bed. I should also probably hope that people only kind of read this FAIL of a post.

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