Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So when I decided to write a blog, I thought a few things.
1. I would have lots of time to spend on writing it.
2. I would have a lot to talk about.
3. People would enjoy reading what I write.
4. I would soon become really popular.

This is what ended up happening.
1. I came home and ended up with more of a life than I had before. Mostly spending time with my boyfriend.
2. My life isn't all that interesting now that I don't have to worry about taking care of myself.
3. I'm lucky if I get one page view in a day.
4. Same as number 3.

This is a disappointment that I am not sure I can get over. All of my dreams ride on this blog. Ok. So that is an over exaggeration. My dreams and future do not rely on this blog. I plan on being a teacher/writer. The plan to be a writer is being shot down by my fear that I will fail. Yet I keep writing this blog even though I fear I will fail at it too. But how can you fail at a blog? I mean, think about it. A blog is just writing down your thoughts for everyone to read. I guess it fails when people don't read them, but people rarely even listen when I talk, so it's not that big of a deal. Hmmm... Now that I think about it. I will get over the failure of my blog. It's not that big of a failure anyway. Hmmm... I kinda want some coffee but not actual coffee. I want coffee shop coffee. I wish I had more money! Oooo!!! I need to call and make an appointment with my doctor... and with my advisor. I have way too much to do. Well. I guess this is the end of this particular post. Bye.

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