Monday, May 16, 2011


So, I applied for some jobs when I came home for the summer. I did this last summer too and never found anything. It was very sad :( It worked out this time though :) I got a call to come in for a job interview last Thursday. On Saturday, they called me to tell me I got the job. I had my first day today.

Now, you should already know that I don't really like to talk to strangers, if you have read my earlier blog posts. Well, my new job entails that I talk to lots of people. I work at a clothing store. I have worked at a clothing store before, but it was an outlet store and they didn't expect us to actually go up to people and sell things to them. My new job wants me to go up to people that walk into the store, make them feel comfortable, find out what they are looking for, and sell things to them. My manager said, "Once you get them in the dressing room, keep them naked." Meaning that you keep on bringing them clothes to try on before they get the chance to leave the dressing room. I may not be able to do this job. So on the way to work today, I started freaking out. In fact, I threw up before I left for work. I was so nervous.

I got to work and was sent to the bank to bring in a direct deposit form. I got back and we filled out paperwork for about an hour or so. After the paperwork was done, I thought that we were going to have to try to sell things to people. I started to get nervous again. I was in for a big surprise. They had us try on jeans. That is what we did for half an hour or so. When we finished with that, we clocked out. That was my first day at work.

My job is weird though. I don't work again until Sunday and I work from six until midnight tearing apart the store. Then the store will be closed for two weeks. So basically, I have a job but I can't work for another two weeks... I need money. Oh well. I think that I will like this job, but I am still scared. I hope this all works out. I also kind of hope that I can get a second job, because I really need money. My mom wants me to take out a loan so that I can get a new car. Or a new used car. She wants me to have a car that I don't have to worry about. We worry about my car a lot.

I will keep you updated on how my job goes when I actually get to work. I have a slightly bad feeling about it, but maybe it will help me become more social and less afraid of rapists. We can only hope.

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